BREAKING: Rand Paul Will Filibuster Budget Deal

“I will stand firm and spend every ounce of energy to stop it. I will begin tomorrow to filibuster it.” — Rand Paul, CNBC debate, 10/28/15

Senator Rand Paul threw down the gauntlet last night — vowing to FILIBUSTER John Boehner and Mitch McConnell’s dirty “deal” with President Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, and Harry Reid to increase domestic and defense spending by $80 billion dollars!

When Senator Rand Paul filibusters this “debt deal” later today, he’s going to need a lot of extra muscle from the grassroots.

And that’s exactly what C4L’s “Cut Congress’ Credit Card” fax petition is designed to do.

Can I count on you to sign your emergency fax petition to help C4L mobilize grassroots patriots from around the country to Stand with Rand and oppose this phony “debt deal?

Rand’s filibuster begins this afternoon.

So time is running short.

Campaign for Liberty staff is working wide open right now to prepare the faxes — and our goal is to keep the fax lines humming on Capitol Hill with thousands of petitions demanding Senators Stand with Rand and oppose this “deal.”

Sign your fax petition here.

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