California California mandatory vaccination bill allows courts to order forced injection of neurotoxins into developing children

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‘Parents of school-aged children in California are facing another hurdle to education as public school systems throughout the Golden State attempt to force students with preexisting personal beliefs or philosophical vaccine exemptions to be vaccinated outside the provisions set forth in Senate Bill 277, which eliminates these exemption options beginning next school year, 2016-2017.

Reports indicate that some public school systems, including the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD), are already throwing some students out of class for not having been injected with neurotoxin-laden jabs like MMR (measles, mumps and rubella), even though no student with a religious or medical exemption is required to be vaccinated until after SB 277 comes into effect on July 1, 2016.’

Read more: California California mandatory vaccination bill allows courts to order forced injection of neurotoxins into developing children

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