CDC October 23rd rally at CDC headquarters demands truth on MMR-autism coverup


‘If you live anywhere near Atlanta, Georgia, or can travel there on October 23, the truth community needs your help! A rally is set to take place on the public sidewalk outside the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) headquarters at 1600 Clifton Road in Atlanta, where truth seekers will demand answers concerning the CDC’s alleged coverup of the MMR vaccine (measles, mumps and rubella) causing autism in children, and especially African American children.

Organizers are hoping that hundreds, or even thousands, of freedom lovers and transparency advocates will show up to hold the CDC to accountable for hiding key data demonstrating a link between MMR and autism. As part of the #CDCWhistleblower campaign to root out the truth from this corrupt government agency, this rally represents just the next step on a long road towards bringing out the truth and saving America’s children from further harm from the MMR vaccine.’

Read more: CDC October 23rd rally at CDC headquarters demands truth on MMR-autism coverup

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