China Proposes Geneva-3 Conference For Diplomatic Solution to Syrian Crisis

At the special UN Security Council session on terrorism Sept. 30, China’s Foreign Minister Wang Yi called for the convening of a Geneva-3 conference on Syria with no preconditions and with participation from all interested parties. The convening of a third Geneva peace conference, at an appropriate time, “should be considered, and conditions conducive to the opening of such a conference should be actively created,” Wang Yi added, according to Xinhua Wednesday.

According to a Foreign Ministry statement, Wang Yi told the Security Council meeting that “the Syrian crisis has been going on for five years now.  The international community cannot look on without lifting a finger, but also ought not to interfere arbitrarily.  A political resolution for the Syrian crisis is the fundamental way out.”  Xinhua also reports that the Chinese Foreign Minister met with his Syrian counterpart, Walid al-Moallem, and told him that the world should respect Syrian sovereignty, independence, and territorial integrity.

UN special envoy to Syria, Steffan de Mistura, announced prior to the UNSC meeting that working groups for Geneva-3 were going to start work in October, focusing on security and the fight against terrorism, political and constitutional reforms, the humanitarian crisis, and economic restoration.

Also on Sept. 30, Swiss Foreign Minister Didier Burkhalter told the UNGA that the Syrian government must be included in a broad dialogue to achieve a settlement to the Syria conflict.  He called for the rapid creation of an international contact group to lead the effort.  Today, European Parliament President Martin Schulz called for a coalition including Russia and Iran to resolve the Syria conflict.  “We will have to talk to Russia and to build some kind of common strategy.  We need an international coalition which must be formed on the international level.  That coalition will definitely need Iran and Russia.” 

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