Climate Hoax Running Into Trouble

“You wouldn’t know it from the happy spin emanating from the Oval Office, but a Third World revolt in Bonn, Germany, this week almost derailed the Paris climate change negotiations in November. Although peace has been restored for now, it only happened by papering over this fundamental conundrum: The world can either avert climate catastrophe or seek ‘climate justice,’ not both.”

That is the opening to an article by Reason Foundation’s Shikha Dalmia, titled “Why ‘Climate Justice’ Has India and the West at Each Other’s Throats,” published by The Week. Dalmia does not question the scientific fraud of the whole deal, but is angry at the implications:

“There are no low-carbon energy technologies available today that can sustain the economic growth rates these countries need to lift their people out of abject poverty, let alone offer Western living standards at anything resembling an affordable cost. Over 300 million Indians still live below the poverty line, earning less than $1 per day. India’s per-capita energy consumption is 15 times less than the United States’. India has to keep boosting its energy use, and therefore carbon emissions for at least another two decades to eliminate dire poverty, which is why its reduction plan only commits to slashing ’emission intensity’— its emission rate as a percentage of its GDP— not emissions themselves.”

Focusing on the monetary cost of implementing the demanded emission cuts, Dalmia notes the challenge this would represent “for a country that has yet to offer basic sanitation, transportation, and clean-water infrastructure to all its citizens.”

Even wilder, Dalmia reports that climate hoax fanatics were debating in Bonn whether trade sanctions should be imposed on countries that refuse to kill their populations in the name of fighting carbon dioxide. She warns: “It is also conceivable that a really determined West could use the aegis of some UN-like global agency to create a standing military strike force to bomb or drone countries into compliance? Humanity’s very existence would be at stake, after all. (President Al Gore, anyone?).”

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