Crony World Government

I don’t talk a lot about Obama, since he is mostly a cipher. I did not talk much about Clinton, either, for the same reason.

They are both talkers. But when it came to making their agendas clear, and then passing them into law, they accomplished little. What did Clinton ever do that we remember? Monica.

Clinton appointed Robert “Goldman Sachs CEO” Rubin as Secretary of the Treasury. Rubin was followed by Hank “Goldman Sachs CEO” Paulson, appointed by George W. “Skulls & Bones” Bush, the son of George H. W. “Skull & Bones/Harriman & Co.” Bush.


You may know of the Trans-Pacific Partnership agreement. No one in Congress has read it. No one is allowed to read it.

The Leftist Guardian reports that WikiLeaks has released a stolen version of it.

Obama wants Congress to pass it. But, as with ObamaCare, no one will be allowed to read it.

TPP is now facing a rough ride through Congress where President Obama’s opponents on the right argue the agreement does not do enough for business while opponents on the left argue it does too much.Twelve Pacific rim countries have signed a sweeping trade deal but will it cut red tape and boost commerce or is it a sellout to big business that will cost jobs?

Obama has pledged to make the TPP public but only after the legislation has passed.

Democracy really is at the end of the road as a philosophy. I am not saying that we are headed back into totalitarianism. It, too, is at the end of the road — not just philosophically but institutionally. It is holed up in North Korea. Democracy still lets groups resist. I don’t think Obama will get the TPP through Congress. But I am saying that a cogent case for democracy as a system promoting discussion of proposed laws is over. It is a farce. We accepted Pelosi’s original challenge: Congress would get to read the ObamaCare bill after it was passed.

This really is Orwell’s dystopia gone fruitcake nutty. There is no longer even the pretense of democracy in Congress. They no longer offer a fig leaf to conceal reality.

If it passes, the TPP will not change much. We are deep into the globalists’ managed trade universe of big corporations: the World Trade Organization, NAFTA, and all the rest of the agreements. Bureaucratically-managed trade is not free trade. A good article on the difference is here.

I hope the TPP gets defeated by Congress. If we want more trade, Congress can lower tariffs and eliminate quotas. We do not need the WTO to do this. We have transferred far too much national sovereignty to these faceless, unelected globalist bureaucracies.

If it does pass, it will not change much. We are so far into the lobster trap of managed trade that this will not make much difference. It is more of the same.

Two things are worth mentioning. One, democracy is a shell game now. Congress no longer conforms to the original theory, which promoted the idea of full disclosure: “open covenants openly arrived at,” as Woodrow Wilson put it ungrammatically a century ago. Second, Obama is a shill for the NWO.

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