Do You Have an Everyday Carry Kit?

We all want to be ready for anything that life might throw at us, and truth be told, most preppers are already prepared to handle far more adversity than the average person. However, that’s only true when we’re in the comfort of our own homes, surrounded by the tools and supplies that can make life easier in any situation.

But what happens when you leave the house? Obviously, you can’t take everything with you when you go for a hike or take a trip. Think about every treacherous scenario that you’ve prepared yourself for, and try to imagine what it would be like endure it with only the tools that you can carry. Not so easy is it?

This is why you have to be very savvy about putting your EDC (every day carry) kit together. This kit should include everything that you can easily carry on your person in most situations, and it should be tailor-made for your needs and your environment. Don’t mistake it for what you would take with you if you were going backpacking or camping for the weekend. An EDC is what you can carry when you’re commuting or taking a day trip out-of-town, or perhaps even going to the grocery store.

There’s a very good reason for this distinction. Technically you could take a large backpack with a camping stove, tent, and sleeping bag with you everywhere you go, but would you?

Of course not. That’s why your EDC needs to be super light and convenient. If it’s not a burden to carry in everyday situations, then you’ll actually get in the habit carrying it in everyday situations.

So when you’re thinking about what items should go into your EDC, consider three factors: It should be small, it should light, and ideally it should be versatile. That’s really the key to a great survival kit. It should be filled with items that serve multiple purposes without taking up too much space.

For example, you could carry a Mylar blanket, which doesn’t just keep you warm when the chips are down. It can actually be used for 8 different survival uses [].  Another great example that is fairly new to the market, is the credit card blade. Not only is there a 2-inch serrated steel blade, but it also comes with tweezers, a toothpick, can opener and compass. The best part is that it’s only the size of a credit card so it can easily fit in your wallet.

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