FDA is anti-science? FDA memo shows that female libido pill was approved for political reasons, despite medical and scientific objections

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‘A libido-boosting pill by the name of Addyi, which has been dubbed the “female Viagra,” is set to hit the U.S. market in October 2015. Don’t be so quick to think this is a good thing; although the pill, which is made by Sprout Pharmaceuticals, Inc. and chemically known as flibanserin, has been approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), several health questions surrounding the drug’s benefits and risks are still looming.

That’s right. It has been given the thumbs-up by the FDA despite the fact that the powers that be aren’t entirely sure about the effect it has on women other than the fact that it’s been shown to boost sexual desire – and even then, it has only been shown to provide “meaningful” help for about ten percent more patients than those taking a placebo. Let’s not forget the fact that even though the pill is designed specifically for women, various aspects of its effects on health were tested mostly on men. For example, alcohol interaction tests involved a study of 25 healthy people, 23 of whom were men.’

Read more: FDA is anti-science? FDA memo shows that female libido pill was approved for political reasons, despite medical and scientific objections

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