FIFA Gets ‘Ethical’: Banning Blatter, Platini and Valcke


‘When the ethical arm of FIFA decides to lift its withered self from slumber, a sense of the unusual is in the air. In many ways, the committee members had little choice. The external forces – prosecuting teams in both the US and Switzerland – had become so intrusive and determined, that a response was needed on the corruption charges that have spread through the organisation like an algae bloom.

The FIFA ethics committee decided to get down and busy in issuing temporary bans – initially 90 days – on Sepp Blatter, Michel Platini and Jérôme Valcke. Ex-FIFA Vice-President, Chung Moong-joon, was another casualty, receiving a ban for six years. The hue surrounding Blatter and Platini had darkened after allegations of a £1.3m criminal payment made by the FIFA President to UEFA’s number one.’

Read more: FIFA Gets ‘Ethical’: Banning Blatter, Platini and Valcke

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