Flustered Obama Fills ’60 Minutes’ with British Lies

Destabilized and angry at CBS-TV interviewer Steve Kroft’s repeated statements that “Vladimir Putin is challenging your leadership, Mr. President,” Barack Obama became immediately combative and filled “60 Minutes” with lies on Oct. 11.

“I feel like I’m being filibustered, Mr. President,” Kroft complained. How long will Americans put up with this before they throw Obama out of office?

Following the lead of British government spokesmen, Obama tried to heap scorn on China and Russia in particular, the BRICS nations generally. He claimed, “Our economy is much stronger than the rest of the world…. China, Russia, Brazil…” But amidst a collapse in manufacturing and industrial production and employment, well-documented by regional Federal Reserve Bank reports since January, and a fall in both U.S. imports and exports over 2015, the most accurate tracker of U.S. GDP reports that it grew at an 0.9% rate in the third quarter and 1.8% annual rate for the year so far; compared to China’s 6.9% growth. Wall Street has required seven years of continuous Federal Reserve bailouts to keep from crashing.

Obama repeatedly and angrily called Russia’s dramatic intervention on the Syria/Iraq flank “a failure”; but Kroft just as repeatedly rejoined with what the world sees: “The issue is, your policy has failed.” Obama then pathetically claimed to an incredulous interviewer, “I’ve just been testing the train-and-equip proposition. I was always skeptical of it.” He tried blatantly lying: “We’ve been able to stall ISIS’ momentum. We’ve been able to defend some areas they threatened…. [And he finally collapsed, with]…”There aren’t any silver bullets.”

Unable to deny failures and even worse in the “war on terrorism” abroad, Obama insisted, “America is a safer place” than before his inauguration. He said this, at a point when there had been 274 mass-killing events in the United States in 267 days.

In a final exchange, Obama paid lip-service to the law that limits Presidents to two terms, but emphasized his belief that if he were to run for a third term, “I would win.” This British agent’s open narcissist flirting with the idea of a third term, should be further motivation to Americans, to end his second term immediately.

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