Forget Polar Bears – New Study Claims Kidney Disease Due To Global Warming


‘In a move that serves as a reminder of the prevalence of lack of integrity within the Western medical industry, as well as the commitment to federally funded non-scientific political propaganda, Dr. Richard Johnson researcher at University of Colorado Anschutz has recently declared that a rare kidney disease observed in Central American sugar cane worker is caused by, get this, “global warming.”

“This could be the first epidemic directly caused by global warming,” said Johnson, professor of medicine at the University of Colorado School of Medicine and a world-renowned expert on the underlying causes of obesity, kidney disease, diabetes and hypertension. “Some districts of Nicaragua have been called the ‘land of widows’ due to the high mortality rates occurring among the male workers from chronic kidney disease.”’

Read more: Forget Polar Bears – New Study Claims Kidney Disease Due To Global Warming

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