Globalist agriculture cartel pillages Ukraine as IMF and World Bank wage war to expand Monsanto’s GMO empire


‘Is it possible that the conflict in Ukraine is really just a front for a Monsanto land grab? Before Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych was forcibly removed from office, he had repeatedly rejected agreements and loan packages from international financial institutions such as the World Bank and the IMF, which padded their deals with conditions that included loosening regulations for Ukraine’s agricultural sector.

When Ukraine’s pro-Western government was placed in office following the 2014 Maidan Revolution, these previously tabled aid packages were suddenly back on the table. One such aid deal was a $3.5 billion package, financed by the World Bank, which imposed neoliberal conditions on Ukraine as a precondition for lending the nation money. Specifically, the World Bank essentially required Ukraine to curtail its own sovereignty by “removing restrictions that hinder competition and by limiting the role of state ‘control’ in economic activities.”‘

Read more: Globalist agriculture cartel pillages Ukraine as IMF and World Bank wage war to expand Monsanto’s GMO empire

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