GM alfalfa slowly invades farmers’ fields, threatening livelihoods and the environment

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‘Alfalfa is actually a crop used to feed dairy cows, cattle, sheep, pigs, honeybees and offers a habitat to many species of birds. So it’s actually pretty important in the farming world and in the food chain. But the genetically modified (GM) alfalfa type is bringing about a whole new set of challenges for agriculture and the environment. Adding alfalfa to the available Roundup Ready (RR) products increases Monsanto’s death grip on American farmers and creates a nearly non-stoppable dominance over our largest grown food crops.

A recent discovery of genetically modified alfalfa in Western Canada in an area where it has not yet been approved exposes the reality of its growing regardless of “approval”. Discovery of the Roundup Ready forage in one Saskatchewan and one Alberta field within the past few years shows that it is difficult, if not impossible, to contain.’

Read more: GM alfalfa slowly invades farmers’ fields, threatening livelihoods and the environment

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