Government bio labs putting the public at risk of catastrophic release: ‘Accidental bioterrorism’ a real possibility


‘In the past year, there has been a series of mishaps involving both the Pentagon and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention “accidentally” shipping live biohazards like anthrax around the country and the world, a leak of which could have infected hundreds of Americans.

Now, the Obama Administration appears to be more concerned about “accidental” intentional releases of deadly bioterror pathogens by “insiders” working at government labs.

As reported by USA Today, five years ago, President Obama ordered facilities to better scrutinize employees who have access to the most deadly microbes. His goal, the paper said, was to create a set of rules to prevent another incident similar to the 2001 anthrax letter attacks – or worse.’

Read more: Government bio labs putting the public at risk of catastrophic release: ‘Accidental bioterrorism’ a real possibility

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