HDP co-leader slams Erdoğan and government for attack that claimed 95 lives


‘Selahattin Demirtaş, the co-chair of the People’s Democratic Party (HDP) whose members are among the victims of the Oct. 10 Ankara attack, harshly criticized both government and President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan for poor inspection on recent similar attacks.

“We have lost almost 150 of our people before and after the elections,” he said in Ankara, referring to the June 7 elections that failed to produce a one-party or coalition government but brought the HDP to the parliament as a party group as it surpassed the 10 percent election threshold. “There is nobody who has been designated as ‘responsible’ around. There is no effective investigation. There will be none regarding today’s attack either. This is not an attack against unity of our state and nation. This is an attack by our nation against our people,” he said.

According to official figures, 95 people were killed at the attack at the start of a peace rally in the Turkish capital, as dozens remained in intensive care or surgery.’

Read more: HDP co-leader slams Erdoğan and government for attack that claimed 95 lives

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