Hunting Preserves for Psychopaths

USA – -( President Obama, in his address on the Oregon Community College shooting, asserts that we are “collectively answerable”.

As a responsibly armed American I heartily agree—we are answerable for the disastrous failure of so-called “gun-free zones” to stop mass shootings.

The Chattanooga recruiting center, Charleston AME church, and Lafayette theater shootings, and now the massacre at Umpqua Community College all happened in so-called “gun free zones”.

Obama concludes by promising to bring this up every time it happens and by repeating his mantra that we need to change our laws.

I cannot agree more! Each time this happens we should continue to bring this issue up. We can do something about it, and we do need to change the laws.

We have to get rid of the so-called “gun free zones” whether by law or by local policy and rules!

Famed self-defense guru Massad Ayoob has referred to “gun free zones” as “hunting preserves for psychopathic murders”. This simple but profound truth has been proven time after time. It is time for the killing to stop. End “gun free zones”.

Reprinted with permission from

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