If the Imperial Military Is a PC Joke

The military, once again, puts women into jobs they cannot do–this time, the Army’s Rangers–to advance the careers of political generals–among others, Maj Gen. Scott Miller, who oversees Ranger School. Or what used to be Ranger School.

Writes Susan Keating in People magazine: “A woman will graduate Ranger School,” a general told shocked subordinates this year while preparing for the first females to attend a “gender integrated assessment” of the grueling combat leadership course starting April 20, sources tell People. “At least one will get through.”

females under them, so to speak. A squad of thirteen men worked together as a team, but add a female and they all began trying to get into her pants–which women frequently used. A general in the Pentagon told me that he wouldn’t allow a woman in his office unless the door was open and a witness was present: If she claimed he harassed her, he was in trouble. (The editor of a major newspaper once told me the same thing.

Why do alleged warriors cave to any feminist they meet? Here is an essential  rule for understanding the military.

Officers often have physical courage, but they never have moral courage.

If they do, they are quickly kicked out by a Darwinian selection with fangs. They come up through a system requiring absolute obedience and loyalty to the group. They think what they are told to think. More accurately, they don’t–they can see what is happening–but know better than to say it.


Girls enjoy a good laugh while feminizing what looks like a soldier. Roll over. Bark. Beg. They don’t even need riding crops. Hey, it’s not a job. It’s an adventure.

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