If We Don’t Match Up to What Obama is Doing against China, Our Organization is in Jeopardy

The real problem is what is seen in Obama’s outrageous military provocation against China on Tuesday (Oct 27): Obama is determined to launch a thermonuclear war. Now, what happens to us, if we don’t say that and campaign on that? Look at the fraud of Obama’s attack against China! Look at his bloody paws! He must be removed! Under the principle of the US Presidency, he can be removed from office,— and if we don’t do that, we rapidly get into an ever-more dangerous situation.

You can’t fool around and negotiate, or say, “No! I don’t believe it!” Don’t go around and ask how to do it,— he must be restrained or we’re all dead.

We must place this at the top of the list of issues: Don’t call it anything else: murder is murder! To say otherwise is a lie. Obama is essentially a murderer, a mass murderer. The President of the United States currently is a mass murderer. If you want to save the United States, you have to say that, or you may be the next one to go. And if you don’t use that kind of language, even on the street, you’re in trouble. The truth is essential: Obama is a murderer!

Anyone who tries to minimize Obama’s war moves against China: tell them they’re brain-damaged. People are being murdered by Obama, while you whisper about and pretend not to know.

To the people who whine that “It’s not him; it’s the system,” tell them, “No, it’s Obama.” If you don’t say it’s Obama, then you have no right to have any opinion at all. Because if you’re condemning people to justify their being murdered, you don’t have any rights.

This is murder, plain murder! The evidence is conclusive, and if you don’t say it, then what are you? Wishy-washy!

People are afraid that Obama will kill them, too, if he’s displeased by them. But the only way to save yourself is: Don’t accept that! If you give in, or condone people giving in, you yourself may be writing your own ticket for death. It’s gutless wonder time!

To win a war, you must take the enemy down. Obama won’t give in unless you take him down. This is an immediate issue now, not ultimately, not over the long term. If you don’t have the guts to take that on, then your opinion is worthless. And the inaction of the Congress so far is a condemnation of their morals. They don’t understand that they, like every person, will die eventually. Will it be as worthless creatures for mankind,— or as soldiers who know that they’re mortal, and are careful how their spend that mortality to rescue mankind? Cowardice is never anything but disgusting.

Thanks to Obama’s mass-murderous wars in the Mideast,— sending millions of people fleeing for their lives from him,— Germany is on the verge of a new Hitler moment amidst the floods of refugees, especially coming into Bavaria through Austria. This is triggering a backlash which threatens to break the coalition government, and even bring into government a threatened coalition of the New Right Pegida movement with “Black Zero” Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble. Plus, Germany is already cold. It’s only a matter of time before some refugee child freezes to death in a makeshift camp. Our Friday webcast will feature dramatic footage from the crisis. We’ve presented the case against Obama,— we needn’t repeat the evidence again. We have to go for a dramatic effect which will move the audience to change and act.

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