Iraq to Washington: We Don’t Want Your Troops


”What a difference a day makes. Just 24 hours ago US Defense Secretary Ashton Carter was telling the Senate Armed Services Committee all about the Obama Administration’s new military strategy for the Middle East. The headline grabber from his testimony was the revelation that the US military would begin “direct action on the ground” in Iraq and Syria.

“We won’t hold back from supporting capable partners in opportunistic attacks against ISIL (ISIS),” he told the Committee. The new strategy would consist of “three R’s,” he said: more US action, including on the ground, with Syrian opposition partners to take the ISIS stronghold in Raqqa, Syria; more intense cooperation with the Iraqi army including with US-embedded soldiers to retake Ramadi from ISIS in Iraq; and the beginning of US military raids, “whether by strikes from the air or direct action on the ground.”

That was news to the Iraqis, it turns out. And it wasn’t very good news at that. Today Sa’ad al-Hadithi, spokesman for Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi, said “thanks but no thanks” to a third US invasion of his country. “We have enough soldiers on the ground,” he said.

Read more: Iraq to Washington: We Don’t Want Your Troops


22 Iraqi Troops Killed in US Airstrikes in Ramadi


‘Iraqi security sources disclosed that the US-led coalition’s airstrikes have once again killed 22 army and volunteer forces on Tuesday.

The US-led anti-ISIL coalition targeted the Iraqi forces’ positions instead of ISIL terrorists in the Western parts of Iraq.

“The coalition warplanes pounded the Iraqi forces after they advanced near the city of Ramadi after al-Jama bridge and al-Davajen bridge,” a security source said.

He noted that at least 22 Iraqi forces, including volunteer forces, known as Al-Hashad Al-Shabi, were killed in the US-led airstrikes in Ramadi.’

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The post Iraq to Washington: We Don’t Want Your Troops appeared first on David Icke.

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