It’s Britain, Not Obama, Which Made the Democratic Debate, and the Democratic Campaigns a Farce

You can’t duck around the fact that the so-called Democratic Presidential campaigns are nothing but a clown show which is run by Britain,— not Obama, but Britain. And Obama has never been anything other than a stooge for Britain.

Lyndon LaRouche had earlier been made aware of British operations which were launched in that Western area of the United States four days before last Tuesday night’s so-called debate,— British operations aimed at setting up the clown-show of Tuesday night, and triggering the nationwide and worldwide reaction which followed on Wednesday morning.

Indeed, the ringmaster of Tuesday night’s circus, Anderson Cooper of the dubious CNN news outlet, is a Vanderbilt, of the British-loving Vanderbilt plutocrats. He is the son of fashion icon Gloria Vanderbilt, and a direct descendant of Cornelius Vanderbilt. From the mouth of this British agent, came the selection of “issues” which the so-called candidates had to address,— which “issues,” and when, and for how long. Again: this is the British, and nobody but the British.

Hillary Clinton’s great failure, as the big loser of the Tuesday night debate, was made clearer by a series of recent articles published by Glenn Greenwald’s news site the Glenn Greenwald was one of the reporters for the original disclosures by Edward Snowden, and the Intercept’s current source has rightly been called a “new Edward Snowden.” He is a disenchanted official somewhere within the Obama drone-murder apparatus. Already, the source’s reports,— corroborated, like Snowden’s, with classified documents,— have moved the ACLU to denounce the drone killings as pure murder, which they are, and to cry out that all the reassurances by Obama and former Attorney General Holder have proven false.

Obama regularly sifts through what are called “baseball cards” of selected victims,— as he has ever since he assumed office,— to single out those who will be killed. The acclaimed so-called “high technology” of this murder program, which is much inferior to the Russian technology being deployed against ISIS, consists of tracking the locations of the cell-phones of the victims. And it’s highly fallible.

“It requires an enormous amount of faith in the technology that you’re using,” the source said. “There’s countless instances where I’ve come across intelligence that was faulty.” This, he said, is a primary factor in the killing of civilians. “It’s stunning the number of instances when selectors are misattributed to certain people. And it isn’t until several months or years later that you all of a sudden realize that the entire time you thought you were going after this really hot target, you wind up realizing it was his mother’s phone the whole time.”

(By the way, have you called your mother lately?)

And it’s still the case, after eight years of the Obama presidency, that unintended bystanders are killed in great numbers,— probably many times the number of targeted victims. During one five-month period of Operation Haymaker in Afghanistan, according to the documents, nearly 90 percent of the people killed in airstrikes were not the intended targets. “Anyone caught in the vicinity is guilty by association,” the source said. When “a drone strike kills more than one person, there is no guarantee that those persons deserved their fate. So it’s a phenomenal gamble.”

The documents show that the military designated people it killed in targeted strikes as EKIA—”enemy killed in action”—even if they were not the intended targets of the strike. Unless evidence posthumously emerged to prove the males killed were not terrorists or “unlawful enemy combatants,” EKIA remained their designation, according to the source. That process, he said, “is insane. But we’ve made ourselves comfortable with that. The intelligence community, JSOC, the CIA, and everybody that helps support and prop up these programs, they’re comfortable with that idea.”

This is what Hillary’s bought into,— the British murder policy of London’s puppet Obama, as a victim of what Lyndon LaRouche has long called the Bettelheim syndrome. She went from an intense fear of being murdered by Obama herself, to compliance with Obama’s wishes out of terror, and from there, all the way to becoming a would-be murderer herself.

Now Hillary, the sorcerer’s apprentice, even chides Obama for being less murderous than she is.

So don’t be fool enough to try to narrow this down to an “issue,” or to “issues,” as Anderson Cooper would have you do. Finally admit that this whole process is irremediably rotten to the core. What’s needed is real leadership, working through the Manhattan-centered process of triggering a new Renaissance. It is that which can catalyze a valid selection-process for a workable Presidency.

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