Jeremy Corbyn is not as radical or unpopular as the mainstreaam media try to portray him

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‘Anyone who has failed to notice the incredibly biased mainstream media coverage of Jeremy Corbyn’s exponential rise in popularity is either someone who shuns mainstream media entirely, or the kind of absurdly gullible fool who rote learns all of their political opinions from the mainstream media without subjecting any of it to even the most rudimentary critical scrutiny.

The BBC habit of referring to Corbyn as if he’s some kind of radical left-wing extremist (when his policies are actually those of a centre-ground social democrat) is annoying, especially since they don’t constantly frame David Cameron and George Osborne as being extremely right-wing, even though they’re pushing the right-wing dogma of tax cuts for corporations and the super-rich, wage repression, attacks on labour rights, undermining of civil liberties, and vast ideologically driven rip-off privatisations much further than Margaret Thatcher ever got away with in the 1980s.’

Read more: Jeremy Corbyn is not as radical or unpopular as the mainstreaam media try to portray him

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