LaRouche Charges Obama Deliberately Bombed MSF Hospital

“There’s no question about this,” Lyndon LaRouche stated Saturday, the Oct. 3 bombing of the Doctors Without Borders (MSF) Hospital in Kunduz, Afghanistan, “was an Obama-determined and -promoted murder, respecting hatred against Putin. He did it deliberately. And he went in two phases. First, the first attacked occurred. Then the message came out of what was being done at that hospital, the famous special hospital there. And they continued! And Obama let the thing be continued.”

LaRouche’s charge was made in the context of a broader discussion with participants in his Oct. 10 Dialogue with the Manhattan Project, on the “new state of organization” which Russian President Vladimir Putin has created in the United States itself, by his flanking move in Syria. Putin’s actions have left Obama and people like him without options, and Obama, a Satanic personality per se, “has gone wild,” LaRouche said. “Obama launched this attack on the hospital and murdered people! Just plain murdered them.”

Medecins Sans Frontieres International President Joanne Liu’s Oct. 7 call for the International Humanitarian Fact-Finding Commission (IHFFC) to investigate this war crime was published yesterday as an op-ed in the Sunday Independent of South Africa, backed up by a factsheet detailing the facts of the 80-minute military attack which not only killed 22 people, doctors and children alike, but also partially destroyed the only hospital in north-eastern Afghanistan capable of providing high-level life- and limb-saving trauma care; the hospital is no longer operational.

The IHFFC was established under Article 90 of the First Protocol additional to the Geneva Conventions, setting out procedures for ensuring the respect for, and faithful implementation of, international humanitarian law.

In an exclusive interview with Germany’s Deutsche Welle, which is to air in full on Oct. 14, NATO Supreme Commander and four-star U.S. Air Force General, Gen. Philip Breedlove, said that he supports the investigation called for by Doctors Without Borders through the IHFFC. It is “their absolute right to ask for this investigation,” Breedlove said, and “we’re going to support it.”

And what has the Obama team come up with now to take the heat off, for this war crime? It will have the Pentagon offer money (“compensation payments”) to the victims of its air strike, including the MSF, and help in repairing the destroyed hospital.

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