LaRouche: Wall Street Must Be Shut Down Before It Crashes

Lyndon LaRouche warned colleagues yesterday that the entire trans-Atlantic financial system is on the edge of total collapse, and Wall Street must be shut down, through orderly actions on the model of President Franklin Roosevelt’s take-down of Wall Street. “If Wall Street collapses in a debt panic, that chaotic destructive force can lead to death and destruction, in the United States and around the world.  The Wall Street system has to be replaced—before it kills you,” LaRouche declared.

Russian President Vladimir Putin’s recent actions in Syria have created the opportunity for such emergency actions.  Obama is being washed out, although the process is not yet complete. Even here in the United States, sane forces are aligning with Putin, as against Obama.  Putin’s actions are having a positive effect.  The Saudis are in deep trouble, as reflected in the letter from a senior Saudi prince, circulating within the Royal Family, challenging the succession and the failed policies of the ailing King Salman and his reckless son, the deputy crown prince Mohammed bin-Salman.  Significant adjustments in the global strategic situation are taking place.

Under these circumstances, the narcissist-in-chief, Barack Obama, can be expected to take desperate, evil measures, even in spite of his greatly weakened position.  Obama’s removal remains a leading priority, and the opportunity is now greater than ever for his ouster.  Should Obama make any move to push for war or attempt any other provocative actions, he must be immediately removed under the terms of the 25th Amendment.  This must be prominently on the table, as a constant sword hanging over Obama’s head.

The fall of Speaker of the House John Boehner is itself both a clear reminder of how quickly Obama could also be out, just as it also points to the disintegration of Congress as an efficient instrument of our Federal Constitutional System.  The institution of the presidency is in need of urgent change, starting with Obama’s removal.

Wall Street must be shut down using the Glass-Steagall and related measures that were successfully employed by FDR.  Putin’s actions in Syria have created the opportunity for those emergency measures to be adopted before the Wall Street crash and the ensuing chaos.  Obama is weak, he is on the ropes, but there must now be effective actions to fully exploit the opportunity that has been created.  Wall Street is a dead stinking corpse, and the stench alone can kill you.  Shut it down now.

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