Make Shutting Down Wall Street an Integral Part of Everything We Do!

Lavrov and Kerry, who held their fourth meeting Thursday on the sidelines of the UN, must keep up the momentum through continuous contact, Lyndon LaRouche said today.  There is a process now underway, and it must be abetted through their continuous dialogue and work.  Opinion-makers must maintain continuing focus on US-Russian cooperation, while Obama must be kept out of the picture as much as possible.  Keep the Russia-US cooperation going, and block Obama from taking indirect actions against it.  Obama is still doing his dirty work, even if he is now forced to do it from behind the scenes; look carefully at what Obama is doing indirectly.  He’s hidden himself from view, but he’s continuing to operate as if under a cloak.  Obama is struck down, but he is not yet finished.  Don’t take the pressure off Obama for one moment. Increase the pressure on Obama.

        While the focus on US-Russian cooperation is important, there must be urgent attention to the vulnerability gap on the economy.  Ever since the death of Franklin Roosevelt, there has been a prohibition against any increase in US productivity.  This is still a deadly threat.  The lid was put on especially after Reagan was shot on March 30, 1981, 69 days into his Presidency. Thereafter, George H.W. Bush as Vice President, and then President, accelerated the slide.  But there was already deep corruption in the early 1970s, as reflected in the reaction to Lyn’s defeat of Abba Lerner in the famous December 1971 Queens College debate.  Afterwards, Sidney Hook delivered the threat against LaRouche.  He not only said that “You won, but we’ll never let you have a public hearing again.”  He said that they would strike back, and they did.  LaRouche was never forgiven for what he’d done.  Everyone must understand the implications of this from 1971 to the present.

        We must launch a general campaign right away, with the highest priority, making the shutting down of Wall Street an integral part of everything we do.  Obama has been struck down,— don’t take the pressure off him.  We have to close down Wall Street, or we’ll have a disaster for the US and other nations. An aggressive approach must be taken.  Wall Street is dead, and it must be buried, because the stench is overpowering.

        FDR had an eye for the problem, but the situation today is far, far beyond anything he faced in the 1930s.  Wall Street must be shut down to launch an effective US physical-economic recovery.

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