Militarized Oregon police put UCC students into prisoner lockdown formations… Hands behind your head, fingers laced together… Illegal searches of personal backpacks


‘No shooting crisis in America — real, staged or otherwise — ever takes place without law enforcement exploiting the crisis to indoctrinate the local population with police state totalitarianism.

Following the mass shooting at the Umpqua Community College (UCC) in Oregon, students and staffers were treated like violent prison felons, forced into prisoner lockdown formations by heavily armed, militarized law enforcement toting large ammo loads and dressed for combat in Afghanistan.

As the photos reveal here, students and teachers were ordered by police to march in prisoner formation with hands behind their heads, fingers laced together. Police then engaged in illegal, unconstitutional searches of students’ personal belongings, with no search warrant and no evidence of wrongdoing.’

Read more: Militarized Oregon police put UCC students into prisoner lockdown formations… Hands behind your head, fingers laced together… Illegal searches of personal backpacks

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