New York to let the UN run its police force


‘American tradition, values and mores continue to erode thanks to constant pressure by the political left to destroy a culture they see as illegitimate and dangerous to the globe — despite our nation’s appeal to millions around the world and the opportunities we create for ourselves and for others.

Now, the liberals who run New York City are even prepared to cede at least some policing power to “a new global, terror-busting network to try to combat homegrown extremism,” according to a September 29 press statement, The New American reports.

In an announcement made at the United Nations, avowed socialist Mayor Bill DeBlasio declared New York City’s intent to join the UN and the United States Department of Justice in their bid to combat “all forms of violent extremism, whether it’s based in religious, or racial, or nationalistic or ideological intolerance.”‘

Read more: New York to let the UN run its police force

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