Newly Released Benghazi Documents Prove Obama ‘Knowingly Lied’ about Terrorist Attack, Says Judicial Watch

On October 22, Judicial Watch, the legal activist organization whose Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) suits have uncovered important documents showing the lies and abuses of the Obama administration in military and national security matters, announced that it had

“uncovered a September 12, 2012, cable from the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) to the Department of State Command Center (DSCC) revealing that the Obama administration was informed within 24 hours that the attack on the U.S. Special Mission Compound in Benghazi was an organized operation carried out by a Salafi terrorism group in retaliation for the killing of al-Qaeda’s second in command, Libyan national Abu Yahya al-Libi.”

The documents from the DSCC were provided to Judicial Watch with an October 2, 2015 cover letter, in response to a court order in an FOIA lawsuit in the U.S. District Court in Washington DC filed in October 2014.

The DIA cable says:

“EXECUTIVE SUMMARY. A Salafi group (NFI) is believed to be responsible for the 11 September, 2012, attack on the US Consulate in Benghazi … The attack was in retaliation for the killing of an Al Qaeda operative …. Al Qaeda’s number two man Abu Yah Ya ((Al LIBI)) …. The attack was an organized operation with specific information that the US Ambassador was present.”

Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton released the documents with the statement, “These new smoking-gun documents show that intelligence tied the Benghazi attack to terrorists not to any videos.  It is inescapable that Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Susan Rice knowingly lied about the Benghazi terrorist attack.”

The FOIA cases brought by Judicial Watch have previously uncovered other crucial evidence against Obama.  In May 2015, the group received DIA documents from the middle of 2011 that warned that Al Qaeda in Iraq (now calling itself Islamic State) was capturing territory and would create a caliphate — some of the very reports that document what former DIA Director Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn (July 2012 to August 2014) identified as a “willful decision” by Obama to support the jihadis in Syria and Iraq. 

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