Over 2,000 PKK militants slain in Turkish military operations: Minister


‘Turkish Interior Minister Selami Altinok says more than 2,000 members of the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) have been killed ever since the Turkish military launched clean-up operations against the militants in late June.

“Since July 22, a total of 2,483 terrorist attacks have taken place in Turkey. Turkish gendarmerie, security and armed forces have also conducted 4,328 operations in the country during which over 2,000 terrorists were neutralized,” Altinok told state-run Anadolu news agency on Monday.

He further noted that Turkey would not allow anyone to harm its sovereignty.’

Read more: Over 2,000 PKK militants slain in Turkish military operations: Minister

The post Over 2,000 PKK militants slain in Turkish military operations: Minister appeared first on David Icke.

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