Physical Cash Poses a HUGE Problem For Central Banks

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‘More and more institutions are trying to make it harder for you to move your money into cash.

Globally, over $5 trillion in debt currently have negative yields in nominal terms, meaning the bond literally has a negative yield when it trades. In the simplest of terms this means that investors are PAYING to own these bonds.

Bonds are not unique in this regard. Switzerland, Denmark and other countries are now charging deposits at their banks. In France and Italy, you are not allowed to make cash transactions above €1,000.

This sounds laughable to most people, but it is a reality in Europe… and in the US, in some regions. Louisiana has made it illegal to purchase second hand goods using cash.’

Read more: Physical Cash Poses a HUGE Problem For Central Banks

The post Physical Cash Poses a HUGE Problem For Central Banks appeared first on David Icke.

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