Power Grab in Riyadh Likely After Saudi King ‘Hospitalized for Dementia’

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‘Saudi Arabia, which is currently invading Yemen and funding terrorist groups fighting in Syria, might soon be engulfed in a power struggle of its own:

Informed sources told Arabic-language al-Ahd news agency that King Salman is now in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) section of King Faisal Specialist Hospital in the Saudi capital.

The sources also said that given the Saudi king’s unstable and aggravating health conditions, officials have ceased plans to transfer him to US hospitals.

King Salman, 80, is thought to have Alzheimer’s or dementia and the government is practically administered by his Crown Prince Muhammad bin Nayef.’

Read more: Power Grab in Riyadh Likely After Saudi King ‘Hospitalized for Dementia’

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