Prime Minister Harper’s Slippery Slope: Stripping Canadian Citizenship


‘In an interview with the Metro, Canada’s prime minister Stephen Harper got serious about pervasive, all consuming danger. The opening lines from the paper suggest as much, noting the prime minister’s insistence that the world was full of it.

The vehicle for harnessing this is the idea that expert opinions – call it that preserve of babbling elites – counts little in the populist manipulation of the demos. “Look, it’s not that elite opinion doesn’t matter, and in all matters expert opinion always counts, but you cannot govern well and you cannot govern properly unless you understand the values and the realities of ordinary Canadians.”’

Read more: Prime Minister Harper’s Slippery Slope: Stripping Canadian Citizenship

The post Prime Minister Harper’s Slippery Slope: Stripping Canadian Citizenship appeared first on David Icke.

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