Remove Killer Obama from Office and Shut Wall Street Without Compensation

Lyndon LaRouche yesterday continued the two vital themes of the week: Obama, who is now thoroughly exposed as a mass killer, as the result of the Drone Papers, must be immediately removed from office; and Wall Street, which is hopelessly bankrupt, must be shut down altogether—without any compensation.

In a 2013 book-length account of the 2012 presidential campaign, authors Mark Halperin and John Heilemann quoted President Obama from a conversation with White House aides boasting, “Turns out I’m really good at killing people. Didn’t know that was gonna be a strong suit of mine.” Obama made the remarks after a US drone strike killed a US citizen, Anwar al-Awlaki in Yemen. At no point has the White House attempted to refute the accuracy of the quote.

Had Congress and the American people listened to Lyndon LaRouche back in April 2009, when he first warned in a now-famous international webcast from Washington, that Obama was a dangerous narcissist in the tradition of Emperor Nero, much of the horror of the past seven years might have been averted, by immediate application of the 25th Amendment. More recently, LaRouche has underscored that Obama was turned into a cold killer early in his life, courtesy of his abusive step-father in Indonesia, who was part of the Suharto coup apparatus and death squads. “The step-father, who raised Obama during a formative period of his life, was a stone-cold killer, and it shows today in Obama’s fervor for killing,” LaRouche commented.

The challenge today is not to produce the evidence of Obama’s mass murderous crimes. The evidence is now on the public record, through the release of the Drone Papers and much more. The challenge, as LaRouche observed to his Policy Committee on Wednesday, is to ignite the American people, leading with the leading circles in Alexander Hamilton’s Manhattan, to force Congress to act before the United States is lost altogether. It is the bankruptcy of Congress, with very few exceptions, that is why Obama is still in office.

The other immediate task for a remoralized citizenry, is to shut down Wall Street. Wall Street is irreversibly bankrupt, and should be put out of its misery now. Through the reinstating of Glass-Steagall, the wiping out of Wall Street can be conducted in an orderly fashion, that avoids the chaos that will engulf the country if it is not re-enacted. With the quadrillions of dollars in derivatives and other unpayable gambling debts out of the way, the Hamiltonian solution, last expressed systematically in Franklin Roosevelt’s recovery program and build-up of the American Arsenal of Democracy, can be immediately implemented. The scale of the current collapse of the productive powers of the American people is much greater than the breakdown of the early Great Depression years, but the same Hamiltonian principles are as necessary today as they were at the time of Hamilton, John Quincy Adams, Abraham Lincoln, and FDR.

LaRouche emphasized that the United States has not had an effective presidency since Ronald Reagan. Bill Clinton attempted to be effective, but was stymied at every turn directly by the British. Under George W. Bush and Barack Obama, the real economy of the United States has been destroyed, at an accelerating rate. It is not too late to reverse that, but it must start with Obama’s removal and the wiping out of Wall Street.

As LaRouche reported on Tuesday in his policy statement on the 2016 presidential elections, the American people are desperate but showing signs of waking up to the need to act now.

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