Right-Wing Urban Outfitters Now Asking Employees to Work for Free


‘Over the last few years, Urban Outfitters has become known for three things (outside of carrying overpriced clothes that fall apart the first time you wash them): 1) Offending every possible marginalized group under the sun with apparel that features really tasteless messages; 2) allegedly stealing designs from up-and-coming artists and selling them as their own; and 3) having a president and CEO, Richard Hayne, who has given money to anti-gay marriage crusader Rick Santorum and other Republican politicians. Now the company is making news for its boldest action yet: asking employees to work for free!’

Read more: Right-Wing Urban Outfitters Now Asking Employees to Work for Free

The post Right-Wing Urban Outfitters Now Asking Employees to Work for Free appeared first on David Icke.

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