Russia, China Leadership Crucial As Obama & British Empire Coming Down

A newly declassified report from 1990, written by the President’s Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board (PFIAB), showed that the threat of thermonuclear war in 1983, as perceived by the Soviet Union, had been drastically underestimated by U.S. intelligence, creating a very real danger of nuclear war at that time. Lyndon LaRouche on Sunday referenced that report as a crucial marker of the decline of U.S. leadership since that time, based on his own knowledge of the situation being reported upon — even though that knowledge was not referenced in the PFIAB report itself.

The fact is that then President Ronald Reagan had adopted on March 23 1983, the proposal formulated by LaRouche for a joint development project between the U.S. and the Soviet Union to build a space-based, anti-missile system based on new scientific principles (particle beam and laser beam systems), which would have ended the extreme danger of nuclear war emerging from the “Mutually Assured Destruction” (MAD) policy, a policy based on keeping the world divided between East and West, with both sides pointing massive arsenals of thermonuclear weapons at each other, on a hair-trigger.

The attempted assassination of Reagan by a Bush family acquaintance soon after his inauguration nearly ended this historic cooperation between LaRouche and Reagan, but Reagan survived and announced the program, calling it the Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI). But British interests in both the USSR and in the U.S. sabotaged the effort — a process reflected in the PFIAB admission of the intelligence failure of 1983 on the threat of nuclear war.

Since that sabotage of the SDI, and Reagan’s replacement by the treasonous Bush family for three terms and Obama for two more, the U.S. has declined into economic and strategic insanity, allowing domination of government by Wall Street and City of London banking interests, and launching one colonial-style war after another across the globe, driving the western world into chaos, as reflected in the refugee disaster in Southwest Asia and Europe.

With the creation of the BRICS, and its new global financial institutions dedicated to international infrastructure development, and the brilliant flanking operation by President Putin in Syria, the world is now in a position from which the British Empire can finally be put to rest. Obama, and Hillary Clinton (who submitted to Obama’s evil), have been exposed as supporters of terrorism in order to achieve “regime change” against nations which refuse to submit, and as protectors of the murderous financial lords of Wall Street by rejecting the required restoration of Glass-Steagall to put Wall Street through bankruptcy.

Interventions in Manhattan and elsewhere around the U.S. over the past weeks by LaRouche PAC spokesmen have sent representatives of the Empire scrambling for cover, increasingly aware that the truth of their crimes, uttered in public, destroys their capacity to brainwash and coerce gullible Americans. It’s time for Wall Street to be shut down, for Obama to be removed, and for the sun to finally set on the British Empire.

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