Russia Now at War With the West As The Fall Crisis Period Begins

In our now infamous video, Shemitah Exposed, we predicted in July that we were heading into an autumn of massive financial and military crisis.  And we just ended the worst quarter globally in the stock markets since 2011 with $13 trillion lost in global equity markets since then and the Dow registering its biggest intra-day point drop of over 1,000 points.

We also have been telling TDV subscribers about major rumors of war and wars in process nearly worldwide and why it is important.  In fact, we even mentioned here at TDV to watch carefully Vladimir Putin’s address to the UN on September 28th as we felt this may be the start of serious military actions by Russia.

To say we nailed that one is an understatement!  Only two days ago Putin gave a serious warning to the West and announced that Russia would soon begin military actions in Syria.  And today, bombs rained down in Syria from Russian jets as Putin announced that he is declaring a no-fly zone for NATO in Syria.

As AP reported just this past evening, “Russia begins airstrikes in Syria.” The article continues:

Russia launched airstrikes Wednesday in Syria, sharply escalating Moscow’s role in the conflict but also raising questions about whether its intent is fighting Islamic State militants or protecting longtime ally, President Bashar Assad. President Vladimir Putin called it a pre-emptive strike against the militants, and the Russian Defense Ministry said its warplanes targeted and destroyed eight positions belonging to extremists from the IS group, also known as ISIL or ISIS. It did not give specific locations. But French Defense Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian told lawmakers in Paris: “Curiously, they didn’t hit Islamic State. I will let you draw a certain number of conclusions yourselves.” 

The French Defense Minister brings up an important point. There are numerous groups fighting in Syria now including ISIS, ISIL and even supposedly Al Queda. The US says it is at war with these “terrorist” groups but Putin has called O’Bomber’s hand.  Russia has announced its intentions to combat them… which are all proxies of the US government trying to take out Assad.

Putin doesn’t want the Assad regime to collapse. For a variety of reasons Putin fears what will come after Assad far more than he fears the West’s ire.

It is probably right for Putin to be fearful. The Pentagon is in the midst of carrying out a destabilization campaign of countries ringing Russia. It has tried to turn first Georgia, then Ukraine and now large parts of the Middle East against Russia and Putin.

Putin squashed the insurrection in Georgia handily. Ukraine has proven a good deal more difficult but by annexing the pro-Russian part of southeastern Ukraine, Putin has potentially buffered Russia from some of the encirclement strategies that the Pentagon and NATO have in mind.

Putin is striking back in Syria, and as he does so, he will continue to ask the US and NATO why they are fighting one group of Islamic radicals but not another. Putin has the upper hand here. He is arguing internationally that the West ought to combat extreme Islam across-the-board and many in the West will find it difficult to differentiate between Islamic “moderates” and ISIS etc.

Additionally, it will be difficult for the West to tell just who Russia is striking. Even if the Pentagon can figure it out and prove, what exactly are US generals going to do about it? Every time they “war game” an action against Russia the US loses.


What the US, NATO and the West HAVE done – and this should be noted – is set the region around Russia ablaze. The Middle East is burning furiously and Ukraine is on the boil. Poland is seeking more NATO protection and so are fearful Russian neighbors like Finland.

Why would NATO and the West want to destabilize Russia when Russia has not shown a similar level of aggression in return?

That seems simple enough to me. The Western system is quasi-fascist and built to collapse. In fact its central banks have been operated in such a way as to bring a general collapse closer.

But what ought to be clear is that the banking masterminds of London’s City are getting exactly what they want: the build-up of a vast enemy that will eventually include radical Islam (an almost entirely Western manufactured item) along with Russia and possibly China.

In other words the West is setting up another global Cold, and potentially very Hot War but one this time that will have added tensions in that it will pit “radical Islam” against both the West and the East.

This is the “big picture” but like so many such grand designs it includes further complexities. The main additional complexity has to do with the fall of the House of Saud that is the key support to the Petrodollar.


The banking elites want the Petrodollar to die because they wish to implement a global currency. However in order to kill the dollar they have to do away with support for the dollar, which has come primarily from Saudi Arabia, as the Saud family refuses to allow its oil to be purchased in anything other than dollars.

The world’s top Western power-brokers have evidently withdrawn their protection from Saudi Arabia, which – rudderless – has now enmeshed itself in war against Yemen, a country that has never been successfully invaded and which has more guns than tribesmen.

Many Yemeni tribes are actively considering an invasion of Saudi Arabia, which would further destabilize the Middle East and probably result in the downfall of the House of Saud.

We can see many military tensions are operative in the Middle East and around the world now. Most will maintain that this is simply a coincidence, but all of these tensions are being carefully constructed. The world is being prepared for war much as it did before the First World War.

In fact, the Japanese government just voted to rearm despite massive public opposition. And China has rediscovered an obsession with the South China Sea, introducing yet more tension into yet another region of the world… not to mention just having sent a Chinese warship to Syria.

Again, none of this is by coincidence. We only need to look to World War One to see how such conflicts are manufactured.


Historians are fond of blaming interlocking alliances for the conflagration that was World War One. Yet available information has expanded since the scholarship of the 20th century. The assassination of the Archduke Ferdinand was accompanied by ANOTHER attempt at almost the same time, one that failed.

The second assassination was aimed at the Russian mystic Rasputin. The most important fact about these two was that both were staunchly anti-war and in a position politically to significantly retard or halt any movement toward an inter-European war.

Rasputin and Ferdinand both believed that war would be a disaster for Europe and their respective countries. Interestingly, the violence done on that day may have taken place at approximately the same time, allowing for differences having to do with longitude.

In hindsight, it seems fairly obvious that someone was trying to send a message to those who would fight the onslaught of war. Rasputin was never the same man after the attempt – he was stabbed but lived – and Ferdinand, of course, was dead.

None of the West’s recent wars have been spontaneous. All have been designed. The idea is to create a thesis/antithesis through military tension or actual war that will result in the kinds of monetary and sociopolitical centralization that the banking elites seek and the military industrial complex feeds off.


Here at TDV we understand the secret triggers used by Western elites. That is why we promoted Shemitah (and now Shemitah trends). We try every day to understand the bigger picture so we can pass along important information to our viewers and subscribers.

To get the very latest information and insights, I’d encourage you to subscribe to our newsletter, which we are offering at a special low introductory offer with a money back guarantee. Please visit for details.

The world is already at war and facing deep economic difficulties. This is not a coincidence. The internet has exposed elite manipulations as never before. As a result the twin tools of conflict and monetary crashes have been driven to the fore.

The timeline, whatever it is, has been sped up. Please consider ways to protect yourself. These are Shemitah trends that will not cease and in fact we recently told TDV subscribers how we expect them to get much worse very soon. They are interconnected and pose a threat to your family’s safety and welfare.

The monetary and financial systems are dying, and this is no accident. The drums of war are beating. Markets are unstable. I wish I could bring you better news, but not now… not yet.

Stay tuned in the coming days as we release Shemitah Exposed III which explains, as we have said before, how the Shemitah end day is just the beginning of a period of dire crisis.  In fact, as we’ll further explain in the video we have just entered into the Jubilee Year, also known as the Super Shemitah.

And already this one looks like it is going to be a gamechanger.

Originally Appeared At The Dollar Vigilante

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