Russia Warns of Obama Freakout, New Color-Revolutions

Rostislav Ishchenko, a Ukrainian strategic analyst now in Moscow, wrote a warning in the Russian publication MIA Rossiya Segodnya, that the recent diplomatic breakthroughs by Russian President Putin could drive Obama to new provocations against Russia. Ishchenko cited three recent diplomatic coups by Putin: His United Nations General Assembly speech, his flanking operation in Syria, and his Normandy-format summit meetings, where he obtained German and French support for the Minsk accords.

Ishchenko wrote that

“If the Minsk accords are violated under conditions where Paris and Berlin have refused to blame Russia, then Kiev may be rapidly defeated in southern Ukraine; if the truce is gone, the war resumes, but Kiev is not currently capable of waging war. Furthermore, Kiev is facing default, leading to further, steep impoverishment of the population, as well as the inability to get more credit from the West.”

The author went on to highlight four flashpoints, outside eastern Ukraine, that could be detonated by Obama against Russia, starting with the situations in Moldova and Transdniestria, where there is a threat of a Maidan revolt and where Right Sector is threatening a blockade of supplies in to the Russian peacekeepers in Transdniestria. “All the US has to do is unleash the Moldovan and Ukrainian radicals, and there will be a new conflict zone, not covered by the Minsk accords, into which Russia will be inexorably pulled…

Moscow would likely organize an air bridge to Transdniestria, while setting the stage for Ukraine to try and close its airspace, shoot down Russian planes, etc.”

In the Caucasus region, Ishchenko warned about a revival of the Karabakh conflict, the implications of hundreds of Chechen fighters with ISIS, and the possibility of instability in Armenia, where there are already protests over electricity.

Central Asia is another flashpoint, since the Taliban moved to control areas of Afghanistan bordering on Tajikistan, where Russia has military contingents. Similar threats are directed against Kazakhstan, from jihadists passing through Afghanistan into Central Asia.

Ishchenko also cited Oct. 11 elections in Belarus, which could be a trigger for another attempted color revolution, despite President Lukashenko’s apparent strong position.

The article concluded with a warning:

“Thus, having taken stock of Putin’s victories on all fronts in October, we must expect a speedy attempt by Obama to regain lost ground… I would expect escalated brutality by IS in Syria, aggressive actions by the Kiev regime, and the activation of U.S. agents around all sensitive spots for Russia in the post-Soviet area.”


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