Saudi Arabia Warns ‘Rumour-Mongers on Twitter and Facebook Risk Execution – claim


‘According to state-run Makkah Newspaper in Saudi Arabia, the wealthy Gulf-nation is threatening its citizens with the death penalty for spreading rumors about the government on social media.

An anonymous source within the Ministry of Justice stated only the worst “rumour-mongers” will be sentenced to death, while lesser offenders of the new policy will be disciplined with flogging, imprisonment, travel bans, house arrest, fines and social media bans.

Although the source is not mentioned by name, it should not be assumed that details of the column are any less credible. Human rights organization Reprieve reports that Makkah’s allegiance to the Saudi government is such that the claims should be considered legitimate.’

Read more: Saudi Arabia Warns ‘Rumour-Mongers on Twitter and Facebook Risk Execution – claim

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