Saudis Threaten Russia with Terrorism, Implicitly Backed by Madman Ashton Carter; Syrian Arab Army Advancing with Russian Air Cover on Sahl Al-Ghab Plain; CIA and Saudi Arabia Arming Al Qaeda and Other Terrorist Rebels with TOW Antitank Missiles; Ashton Carter’S Pentagon Air Drop of 50 Tons of Small Arms in Hasakah Province, Northeast Syria; With 64 Sorties, Russian Forces Show Up US Phony War Against ISIS; Bernie Sanders Still Refusing to Break with Saudi Butchers on Eve of Democratic Debate; #FireCarterB4WW3 !

United Front Against Austerity | Tax Wall Street Party Morning Briefing | Tuesday, October 13, 2015

In the wake of the threat of Islamist terrorism against Russia delivered by the out-of-control US Secretary of Defense Ashton Carter at the meeting of NATO defense ministers in Belgium last Thursday, representatives of the degenerate absolute monarchy of […]

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