Save the Bake Sale!

One of the most ridiculous aspects of the Obama Administration’s “nutrition guidelines” is its effect on school bake sales. As Campaign for Liberty’s Communication Director Megan Stiles detailed in August 2014:

Children hoping to hold bake sales to raise money for band trips, athletic uniforms, and field trips will have to find other means to raise money thanks to the White House’s new school nutrition guidelines.  From The Wall Street Journal:

The restrictions that took effect in July stem from the 2010 Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act championed by first lady Michelle Obama and her “Let’s Move!” campaign. The law overhauled nutrition standards affecting more than 30 million children. Among the changes: fatty french fries were out, while baked sweet potato fries were deemed to be fine.

The law also required the U.S. Department of Agriculture to set standards for all food and beverages sold during the school day, which includes vending machines, snack carts and daytime fundraisers. It allowed for “infrequent” fundraisers, and states were allowed to decide how many bake sales they would have that didn’t meet nutrition standards.

Without state-approved exemptions, any treats sold would have to meet calorie, sodium, fat and other requirements. The law permits states to fine schools that don’t comply.

Texas Representative Ted Poe has introduced the Bringing Awareness and Knowledge to Exempt Schools Against Legislative Encroachment (BAKE SALE) Act, H.R. 881. H.R. 881 prohibits the Secretary of Agriculture form enforcing the administration’s bake sale regulations.

Campaign for Liberty members who understand that the federal government has no authority to regulate bake sales should call their Representative and ask them to cosponsor the Bake Act.

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