Stop Being a Gun-Free Zone

I write in the aftermath of the horrific tragedy which occurred at Umpqua Community College in Roseburg, Oregon.  There, some dozen or so innocent people were put to death by a mass murderer. Sadly, this despicable act comes as only one in a far too long series of such campus shootings.

I ask, can something despicable like that occur here, at Loyola University New Orleans? Sadly, the answer is Yes; virtually all college campuses are the potential targets of these madmen.

What is to be done to prevent such occurrences in future, or at least radically reduce their incidence? According to our friends on the left, we need more and stricter gun control laws. There should be better background checks, and fewer firearms available. But this is not likely to still murder these people even if they were armed, but it might cost him a regiment, or even a division, of soldiers. Maybe, better to let these vermin go than try to kill them all. (By the way, if the New York Times is reading this, or Fr. Wildes, S.J. or 17 of my Loyola professorial colleagues who claimed in the Maroon that I favor slavery, I do not regard Jewish people as “vermin.” I was attributing this comment to our man Adolf.)

The biathlon, an event in the winter Olympics, combines cross country skiing and rifle shooting. The summer Olympics features pistol target shooting. Want to make Loyola all but impregnable to such disasters? End its gun-free zone status, start teams in both of these events, and heavily publicize these initiatives.  Also, while we’re at it, rethink those “take back the night” marches. They only work for the few minutes the rapists are rolling on the floor in laughter, getting stomach cramps. The gun is the great equalizer.  More firearms will thus move us a step toward egalitarianism the social “justice” people are always advocating.

Reprinted with the author’s permission from The Maroon, the Loyola University student newspaper.

The post Stop Being a Gun-Free Zone appeared first on LewRockwell.

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