Syrian-Russian Offensive Underway

Syrian ground forces, in coordination with the Russian air contingent based in Latakia, have launched an offensive against Islamist militant groups in Aleppo, Latakia, and Hama provinces.  News reports indicate that the offensive began Wednesday, following the cruise missile strikes launched from Russian ships in the Caspian Sea.  The Chief of Staff of the Syrian Army, Gen. Ali Abdullah Ayoub, went on Syrian TV yesterday to report that the army has “taken the reins of military operations,” to form the 4th Assault Corps, in the aftermath of Syrian and Russian air strikes that have killed hundreds of terrorists in the three aforementioned provinces.  According to the official SANA news agency, Ayoub announced that the Syrian armed forces started a large-scale assault today, aimed at uprooting the gatherings of terrorists and expelling them from the areas and towns which have been suffering the woes and crimes of terrorism.

According to the Wall Street Journal, citing a rebel commander in the area, the Syrian ground assault began at daybreak yesterday, on multiple fronts, with airstrikes and a barrage of rocket and artillery fire.

The Russian Defense Ministry reported today that its jets in Syria had hit 27 targets in 22 sorties overnight.  “The [russian] bombers targeted eight militant strongholds in the province of Homs.  The militants’ fortifications were completely destroyed by the strikes,” said Russian Defense Ministry spokesman Igor Konashenkov. 

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Syrian-Russian Offensive Underway

Syrian ground forces, in coordination with the Russian air contingent based in Latakia, have launched an offensive against Islamist militant groups in Aleppo, Latakia, and Hama provinces.  News reports indicate that the offensive began Wednesday, following the cruise missile strikes launched from Russian ships in the Caspian Sea.  The Chief of Staff of the Syrian Army, Gen. Ali Abdullah Ayoub, went on Syrian TV yesterday to report that the army has “taken the reins of military operations,” to form the 4th Assault Corps, in the aftermath of Syrian and Russian air strikes that have killed hundreds of terrorists in the three aforementioned provinces.  According to the official SANA news agency, Ayoub announced that the Syrian armed forces started a large-scale assault today, aimed at uprooting the gatherings of terrorists and expelling them from the areas and towns which have been suffering the woes and crimes of terrorism.

According to the Wall Street Journal, citing a rebel commander in the area, the Syrian ground assault began at daybreak yesterday, on multiple fronts, with airstrikes and a barrage of rocket and artillery fire.

The Russian Defense Ministry reported today that its jets in Syria had hit 27 targets in 22 sorties overnight.  “The [russian] bombers targeted eight militant strongholds in the province of Homs.  The militants’ fortifications were completely destroyed by the strikes,” said Russian Defense Ministry spokesman Igor Konashenkov. 

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