Taxpayers’ Alliance: ‘Cut pensioner benefits now – they’ll be dead in 2020 anyway’


‘Following on from the Torygraph‘s revelation that Conservatives believe us all to be selfish, backstabbing and stupid, here’s the Tory-supporting Taxpayers’ Alliance, displaying all three of those qualities at once.

The TPA, if you recall, exists to cut the tax bill (primarily – and selfishly – for the very rich, hence the close connection with the Conservative Party) – and has called for the Conservative Government to cut pensioner benefits right now (backstabbing) on the grounds that either they’ll be dead or won’t remember what happened by the time of the 2020 election (stupid – pensioners have long memories when they’ve been wronged).

Not only is this suggestion selfish, backstabbing and stupid – it is also homicidal. Robbing pensioners of their winter fuel allowance or Christmas bonus could force them into choosing between (and I know it’s a cliché by now) heating and eating.’

Read more: Taxpayers’ Alliance: ‘Cut pensioner benefits now – they’ll be dead in 2020 anyway’

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