The 1% Is Outraged At This Simple Check On Affluenza: The $108,000 Speeding Ticket


‘America has an epidemic of affluenza, that curious disease in which the rich can do whatever the hell they want because they’re, well, rich. They speed, they steal, they lie, and they cheat, because, so what if they have to pay a fine? What’s a few hundred dollars to someone worth millions?

This unequal system has given rise to a class of scofflaws; people who literally scoff at the law. But what if there was another way to punish the rich would still be perfectly fair but rein in their obnoxious behaviors? Let’s take a look at a country where the rich don’t dare treat the road like their own personal racetrack: Finland.’

Read more: The 1% Is Outraged At This Simple Check On Affluenza: The $108,000 Speeding Ticket

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