The Central Bankers Have a Death Wish

This is getting just plain ridiculous. The robo-traders were raging to the tune of 300 Dow points Thursday after Mario Draghi confirmed that he actually is a complete monetary lunatic. And now that the People Printing Press of China has followed suit overnight, they are piling on for more.

In fact, Europe is stranded in economic stagnation because statist dirigisme and the massive crush of welfare state taxation and finance have ground enterprise and productivity to a halt. But Draghi says it’s all China’s fault, and that he will fix their dereliction with even more monetary madness:

In a news conference, Mr. Draghi stressed the “downside risks” to both economic growth and inflation arising from slowing growth in China and other large developing economies, as well as weak commodity prices.

For deflation to take hold, consumers and businesses would have to expect price falls to continue. Central bankers want to persuade households and financial markets that, whatever its current reading, the inflation rate will be around their target over the medium term, in which case they describe inflation expectations as being “anchored.”

Mr. Draghi warned of a possible “de-anchoring” of expectations if the inflation rate remains low for a long time, and particularly if oil prices fall further. “These risks have gone up and we want to be vigilant,” he said.

This is just plain rubbish. These half-baked propositions would have received a falling grade in even a junior college introductory economics course just 20 years ago.

So there is no alternative except to take cover because the latest stock market rip is based on pure central bank hopium

Indeed, Mario Draghi has confirmed once again that the world’s central bankers have a monetary death wish. Unlike the gamblers who bought Cramer’s top 49 stock picks, the best course of action is to sell, sell, sell—–and do it now.

Reprinted with permission from David Stockman’s Contra Corner.

The post The Central Bankers Have a Death Wish appeared first on LewRockwell.

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The Central Bankers Have a Death Wish

This is getting just plain ridiculous. The robo-traders were raging to the tune of 300 Dow points Thursday after Mario Draghi confirmed that he actually is a complete monetary lunatic. And now that the People Printing Press of China has followed suit overnight, they are piling on for more.

In fact, Europe is stranded in economic stagnation because statist dirigisme and the massive crush of welfare state taxation and finance have ground enterprise and productivity to a halt. But Draghi says it’s all China’s fault, and that he will fix their dereliction with even more monetary madness:

In a news conference, Mr. Draghi stressed the “downside risks” to both economic growth and inflation arising from slowing growth in China and other large developing economies, as well as weak commodity prices.

For deflation to take hold, consumers and businesses would have to expect price falls to continue. Central bankers want to persuade households and financial markets that, whatever its current reading, the inflation rate will be around their target over the medium term, in which case they describe inflation expectations as being “anchored.”

Mr. Draghi warned of a possible “de-anchoring” of expectations if the inflation rate remains low for a long time, and particularly if oil prices fall further. “These risks have gone up and we want to be vigilant,” he said.

This is just plain rubbish. These half-baked propositions would have received a falling grade in even a junior college introductory economics course just 20 years ago.

So there is no alternative except to take cover because the latest stock market rip is based on pure central bank hopium

Indeed, Mario Draghi has confirmed once again that the world’s central bankers have a monetary death wish. Unlike the gamblers who bought Cramer’s top 49 stock picks, the best course of action is to sell, sell, sell—–and do it now.

Reprinted with permission from David Stockman’s Contra Corner.

The post The Central Bankers Have a Death Wish appeared first on LewRockwell.

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