The Debate Was a Farce. We Must Create the Standard of Leadership for the U.S. Presidency

On Tuesday afternoon, Lyndon LaRouche presented the dangerous state of the U.S. Presidential campaign to a meeting of his associates. He warned that the British Empire was orchestrating a destruction of the current Presidential campaign in the United States. The Republican Party is a failure. The Democratic Party is a failure. LaRouche called for creating the basis for a new presidency in the United States that will bankrupt Wall St., reorganize the U.S. economy and deal with the current crisis on an international basis.

LaRouche was right on the mark. His assessment was born out in full in the awful spectacle that occurred later that evening in the so-called Democratic Party debate.

“It was a debasement. A farce. A fraud. This was a circus. One of the most disgusting, most rotten things that was ever done in terms of a political campaign in the United States. This was corrupt. People were sucked in. Their souls were taken away from them. They were reduced to mere puppets. All you have to do is take the faces of the candidates away and give them faces of animals. Everyone of them was wearing the face of an animal. And you had these hoards of idiots screaming. And the candidates, so-called, were simply the stooges for that piece of torture.”

The whole thing was orchestrated by Obama’s circles. But Obama is just the instrument of the British Empire. It was British operatives who came into the United States and orchestrated this whole thing. The United States has been put into jeopardy by, essentially, the influence of Obama. And Obama is sort of a cheapskate Satanic figure. It has no honor, no morals, no nothing.

Contrary to the assessment of the media and political pundits Hillary Clinton was the biggest loser in the debate. “She is a lost cause,” LaRouche told the LPAC policy committee, “She became the featured character in the demonstration last evening. She was the greatest failure among them all. She was the architect of the greatest factor of failure in that period. She was the booby who lost the prize.”

LaRouche cautioned against focusing on the issues discussed in the debate. Where was the discussion of the future? Where was the discussion of how to reorganize the U.S. economy?

Thus, it depends on LaRouche and LPAC to define the future prospects for creating a competent U.S. Presidency. “The cure is to provide the standard of leadership, the concept of leadership, the mission of leadership. That is our responsibility. If you’re trying to induce from observing so-called facts, and assuming that these so-called facts are going to provide you a sense of security, that’s a fool’s paradise. We are going to have to make our own paradise. Which means, none of the above,” LaRouche said.

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