The Unspoken Truth About Gun Control

Political activists are more entrenched on this issue than any other issue in American life.

Somebody might say that legalized abortion would be the top candidate. I don’t think that’s the case. Opponents of abortion are not going to change, but the degree of commitment has faded over the last two decades. The futility of trying to stop abortion has generally placed the issue on the back burners of the conservative movement, and also the back burners of most anti-abortionists. They would certainly vote against the extension of abortion, but they’re not going to get actively involved in picketing or other anti-abortion activities that were common in the late 1980’s and early 1990’s. The original Operation Rescue is long gone. The fire has gone out of the anti-abortionist movement. It slogs along.

The fire has not gone out of the gun-control fight.

All of the above.

Let me quote one of my heroes, who remained my hero until his death: Bobby Fischer. Fischer would not kowtow to anybody’s line. That’s why I liked him.

Back when he was 15 years old, he won my heart. He was asked, after he had become the youngest Grand Master in history, what it was that he liked most about chess. He uttered his classic line, “I love to see them squirm.”

People on the Left, who live their lives in terms of politics, should understand this attitude in the ranks of Second Amendment defenders. We love to see them squirm.

Maybe this is childish. I don’t care. Both sides understand the stakes, which are high, and both sides understand the nature of politics. One side keeps losing. The other side keeps winning. The losers are frustrated out of their minds. The winners are delighted to see the losers frustrated out of their minds.

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