They Said it Could Never Happen, but LaRouche Stuck to His Guns, and Now it Has Happened!

“The Russians are here to win the war; this is what everyone knows.” Ali Hashem, chief news correspondent for Al Mayadeen News Network, writing in Al-Monitor October 7, quoted these words from a Lebanese source of his. Yes, it’s absolutely true, and every witting person does indeed know it. After months of planning, Putin has gone in to win. Americans find that impossible to believe just yet, because our country has been at war during most of the years since World War II,— but not to win. Never to win. Just the opposite,— the wars into which the British Empire has thrown us, as through Barack Obama, have been perpetual wars aimed at chaos, population-reduction, and the destruction of the US. No-win wars. But nevertheless, Putin actually went in to win; he intends to win.

And today was the second day of a “vast offensive,” as the Syrian Army put it, in which Russian airpower has been directly supporting Syrian troops in combat for the first time.

And it’s not even the war as such. More important, the alliance has totally reinvigorated Syria.

Now, nothing is the same. Everything has changed.

What is now happening in Syria, and in reality much more broadly, is exactly what Lyndon LaRouche said had to happen. Everyone else said, “I agree it’s needed, but it can’t happen.” LaRouche was right. Now they’re saying that “Yes, Wall Street must be shut down,— I agree it’s needed,— but it can’t happen.” Who will be proven right in the end?

Lyndon LaRouche will. He addressed a meeting of associates in roughly the following terms today.

The Obama freakout is continuing to spiral out of control; everything he does is blowing up. There is panic in the White House: expect self-inflicted wounds and punishments. Obama must be brought down! Shut down Wall Street and you bring down Obama at the same time.

On the whole, US leadership is disgusting. Compare it with the morality which has come forth in Germany in response to the refugee crisis. If it were not for Putin, we’d all be dead. At its root, the problem of the US is that it is a crooked, rotten society. But at the same time, there are some Americans, such as some of our military flag-officers, who have an elevated sense of responsibility, which sometimes goes way beyond their formal responsibilities. Such as dealing with Obama.

Can you tell the truth to Obama? No. Merkel is more forthcoming, but it’s a close call whether she can stay in office, or else will find herself replaced by forces who would be far worse than even Finance Minister Wolfgang Schäuble.

The problem is that the ideology of the Twentieth Century doesn’t function. The Twentieth Century has replaced morality by mathematics.

Now, Obama’s influence over Hillary Clinton is collapsing, and she’s abandoning him. He’s being rejected by Democrats and others; no one’s defending him. When we tell them he must be removed, instead of saying, “No,” as they did before, they say they agree, and ask how it can be done.

All of this was just there waiting to happen, until the moment when it was all triggered by Putin’s courageous action. What Putin has done is clear,— just look at his family background in World War II in the way he sees it. This is generally atypical for Europe. He is a man with a moral sense of purpose and a mission, who won’t be deterred or sidetracked. Putin is doing in Syria what LaRouche expected him to do.

Meanwhile, in the US Presidential selection-process, there is no single candidate who stands out as ready to do what is necessary. We need a process involving a number of candidates contributing to it. We have to build a unified Presidential team around a mission, rather than a personality.

Kerry is able to act in violation of Obama’s crazy policies because he knows that he has backing, and Obama has been rejected. Now, we must take it to the next step.

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