To Defeat Obama’s TPP Trade Sellout, the AFL-CIO Must Lead a Campaign for Return to 15% Protective Tariff; Bernie Sanders Must Oppose TPP with Talking Filibuster in Senate; Russo-Turkish Air Incident Shows Need for Coordination Between US Coalition and Moscow in Anti-ISIS Campaign; Will Russian Presence in Mideast Detonate New Palestinian Intifada?; Capitol Hill Civil War Roundtable Hears Real Story of 1863 Russian Fleets with Parallels for Today; #ARRESTMcCAIN4ISIS

United Front Against Austerity | Tax Wall Street Party Morning Briefing | Wednesday, October 7, 2015 Get active on social media! Tweet to @RichardTrumka and @AFLCIO with your demand of the 15% Protective #Tariff

Earlier this week in Atlanta, the United States reached an end to negotiations over the contentious trade deal known as the […]

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