Towards a Third Intifada? Britain’s Support of Israeli Atrocities Despite Electoral Disapproval

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‘In little more than the last four weeks, 560 Palestinians have been arrested by Israel in the Occupied Teritories and within Israel.

The storming of Al-Aqsa mosque by police with cover provided by heavily armed military led to the mosque itself being damaged and subsequently closed to worshippers has only led to a further escalation of hostilities.

This is a serious escalation from the first six months of this year where Israeli occupation forces reportedly killed 1 Palestinian and wounded a further 41 in the Gaza Strip.

During January-June, there were eight recorded military incursions – when Israeli forces entered Gaza then withdraw having conducted 93 shooting attacks.’

Read more: Towards a Third Intifada? Britain’s Support of Israeli Atrocities Despite Electoral Disapproval

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