Trying to Lose Weight Like You Did in Your 20s?

Are you finding it harder to lose weight as you age?

If you’re still using the same diet techniques you did in your 20s you need to stop.

In your 20s and early 30s weight loss can, for some, be the same foolproof routine.

By exercising more and eating less, shifting those few pounds can always be done with a little determination.

But what happens when your go-to diet regime stops working? Some foods can help ward off the symptoms associated with age-related hormonal changes, while others worsen any changes taking place.

Check out the list of foods for hormone balance below.

4. Eat the right foods to fill you up

If you’re eating the same amount of food you ate in your 20’s, you’re eating too much.

With the natural decline in muscle mass, hormone levels and metabolism you need fewer calories as you get older.

The super-charged smoothies, soups and whole-food meals in the age-defying diet will keep you satisfied and prevent cravings.

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